Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day One- A Long Trip Finally Over

He arrived at the farm around 6:00pm on a Tuesday afternoon. The other horses were restless, eager to see who or what was coming off the horse trailer this time but also annoyed because dinner was late. Judging by the banging we had listened to all the way from Bradford, we knew the horse wasn't happy and would probably be worked up when we opened the back doors and let down the window. Unfortunately, we were right. Blue Boys Alibi was soaking wet and obviously distressed after the final 45 minute leg of his journey from Ottawa. He had come off the trailer dry and content at the stop over farm in Bradford but that was different; this time he was travelling solo and the mental stress alone had taken it's toll. He walked off the trailer without too much excitement and after a few reminder “bumps” on the lead shank from Barry, he stood quietly despite the commotion from the other horses, all eager to get a glimpse at the latest arrival. He had a few small cuts on his legs from the turmoil self induced during his trailer ride but, was overall still in one piece. Everyone always breathes a sigh of relief when a horse finally hits home soil after a long trip and we did just that, happy he had made the trip without any major problems. We had been anxiously awaiting his arrival since our decision to rescue the horse was made two days earlier and we were happy he was finally home.

While Blue waited patiently, Barry plucked the auction tag off his side. The glaring “1089” was so stuck that it took a chunk of hide off with it, leaving yet another mark from his past that will have to be healed in the weeks to come. Though matted and tangled, Barry commented more than once about how nice and long his mane was. Barry likes horses with long manes so this pleased him, knowing how much I enjoy grooming and solving such problems as tangles with my always handy bottle of “Mane & Tail Detangler”. The little gelding led apprehensively but willingly to his already freshly bedded stall in the old bank barn and stood quietly as we removed the old, dirty halter and threw it aside. “This has to go” I said with disdain...... "we'll get him a new one tomorrow”. We gave him some hay but he was more interested in the half bucket of water we brought him....obviously very thirsty, Blue drank eagerly every time we brought him another ration of water. He stood in the corner of his large stall with his head down, looking utterly exhausted and sad.....if one was to assign a human emotion to the little bay gelding.
Blue was alone in the old barn because of our decision to quarantine the horse until all necessary precautions could be taken to ensure his health and protect the well being of the rest of our horses. Instead of the stress caused by his solo ride on the trailer however, this isolation seemed to comfort Blue. The stress and uncertainty of the past few weeks and the physical and mental exhaustion from his Ottawa-Orangeville journey was catching up to him. For the first time in who knows how long, the little gelding could finally let down so we left him alone to do just that. Checking on him periodically while doing other chores, we always found him picking at his hay or just standing quietly in his corner. A carrot left in his bucket by Barry (who apparently doesn't 'believe' in carrots) was left untouched and my attempts to comfort him with pats and soft words produced no results. Blue was not afraid or jumpy, not worried or upset, just stand offish. He just wanted to be left alone.......who could blame him really?

Though Barry & I have a lot of experience working with horses, the progress of Blue's training will have to be determined by Blue, based on the progression of his physical and mental well being. A horse that isn't in proper condition cannot learn so he will tell us when he's ready. After some much needed rest, the warm sun of a Wednesday morning will determine the next steps in his future....a new halter and some grooming, a feed program....maybe even a new name?
Until tomorrow...........

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